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What To Look At When Selecting Amazon Products For Onsite Reviews

5 min read

More and more Amazon influencers are becoming aware of the fact that the quantity of sales and the price of the product are NOT the only factors that determine your earnings as an Amazon onsite influencer that makes video reviews for the product page top video carousel.

There are other factors that can make or break your earnings, and today we’ll take a look at each of these overlooked and mostly untapped factors.

Personal expertise

The products you select must be to some extent in a field the video reviewer has a level of expertise in. If the reviewer has experience with kitchen products, he is likely to make a valuable video review for it than he would in a field he does not have expertise in.


The category the product is in determines what commission rate Amazon will use when calculating your commission per sale. Categories use different commission rates. Here at AffiliateWorthy we made a clear list of product categories and commission rates.

Also note that some categories mostly or completely do not have a top video carousel, hence we do NOT serve product IDs from those categories via our Private Products service.

Commission in USD per sale

This is the product’s price * products category’s onsite commission rate. The result of this calculation will give you the revenue you’ll earn for a sale that occurred after your video was watched on the product page.


Does the product you plan to review have a good star rating score? A higher rating score is likely to convert better than a lower one.

Available video slots in the top carousel

There is a limited amount of slots in the Amazon product top video carousel. If a product you want to review has available video slots, it could be a time-limited opportunity to make a video that will easily rank and appear in those slots.

Naturally, a top carousel with a small amount of videos, and your videos among them, will likely increase your review-video views, and therefore your conversion rate.


Many products on Amazon are seasonal, meaning they are popular according to the season/time of the year. Halloween decor is popular during the fall season. Patio and BBQ products are popular during summer.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to choosing seasonal products. If you video ranks at the right time, expect temporary big earnings. With that, you can also expect a drop in sales and earnings when the season ends.

Amazon Tags and badges

Some products have tags that indicate to the buyer that this is a trust-worthy product. They appear in search results and on product pages;

  1. Amazon’s Choice
  2. Best Seller
  3. Top Rated
  4. Climate Change Friendly

These tags are designed to help customers quickly identify high-quality, or otherwise desirable products, thus enhancing their shopping experience, and safe to assume they also increase conversion rate on Amazon.

Product complexity

For highly-simple products, a video review will not add significant value to the prospect buyer visiting the product page. Hence we recommend not wasting time and energy on reviewing this kind.

As a general principle, the more complex a product is, the more likely the prospect buyer will want to watch a review video about it before buying.

Purchase frequency

Some products are purchased once a week (think laundry detergent, paper towels, dish soap, etc.), some once a year, and some once in a lifetime (think outdoor equipment, high-quality cookware, blenders, etc.).

Products that are purchased frequently many times do not need a video review, as the buyers who purchase them are already familiar with the products, and are not purchasing it for the first time, hence do not need to watch a video before buying it.

Products that are bought once in a lifetime are more likely to have a demand for a video review, because their price is usually higher, and the purchase decision from a buyer’s perspective has a bigger effect on his life.

How to find these products quickly and easily

With all these factors that determine your earnings as an Amazon onsite influencer, you might think it's hard to find products that tick all the factor checkboxes we mentioned in this post.

Sifting through’s hundreds of millions of products can be frustrating, time-consuming and many times unfruitful.

Helping Amazon onsite influencers avoid or reduce this exhausting work is one of our missions here at AffiliateWorthy.

With CommissionCheck Plus, our chrome extension, you can get a lot of the metrics mentioned above and more under each product displayed in your search results, as well as quickly use filters to find products that match your standards.

If you are systematically purchasing Amazon products in order to onsite-review them, we help by providing a weekly list of personalized product IDs that answer most if not all of the checkboxes for the factors mentioned in this post.

The product IDs you’ll receive are unique, exclusive to you, and personalized for you – according to your profile and category preferences. This is our Private Products subscription.

To enjoy both worlds, and to assure you are at the top of your game as an Amazon onsite influencer, you can choose our Two-In-One plan, which combines both our solutions in one affordable package.